Welcome To Scuderia Quantistica

Doubtless you are a fan of the European Racing Series. (Unless you are reading this after we’ve been promoted to higher tiers.)

You are also most likely a fan of the Italian racing team Scuderia Quantistica.

If so, I congratulate you on your excellent taste.

Perhaps you are instead a fan of Ozu, Krüger, Silva, Dragon Race Team China {chortle!}, ZRT or Octane Racing. If so, there is still a chance that your eternal soul can be redeemed.

If you are a fan of Archer or Vexala, though, there is little hope for you.

Still, if you would like to stick around for a while and bask in the throaty roar of our mighty engines… OK, our engines aren’t that mighty yet but Freddie is working on it… you may yet find a path to motoring salvation.

Welcome to the madhouse.

Breaking the 4th wall for a moment, this site is dedicated to a YouTube series on a motorsport management game called Motorsport Manager. You will find the series >>here<<.

No, I’m not taking the game that seriously. In fact, if you have ever watched the series you’ll find that it swings much more toward parody and absurdity with a splash of dry humour (much as the game does itself), except for the data analytics part which is real enough.

The real reason for the existence of this site is that I wanted to learn to use the WordPress Content Management System, and this seemed as good a way of doing it as any. And incidentally, thus far I am massively impressed by WordPress. This entire site to date was built in under 20 minutes. It’s massively easier than hand crafting a site in Dreamweaver or some such thing. I speak from experience.

Important disclaimer: Neither this site nor the associated YouTube series have any connection with the developers, producers or publishers of the Motorsport Management game. They just supplied the building materials, I built the storyline with them.